Family Activities

Shrove Tuesday Pancakes

Shrove Tuesday Pancakes

The Tuesday before Ash Wednesday is known as Shrove Tuesday. Shrove, means to confess. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent, a forty day period of time which Christians prepare for Easter. During this time of preparing we confess our sins, fast and give sacrificially.

Lenten Prayer Chain

Lenten Prayer Chain

A fun way to countdown the days to Easter during Lent is to have your kids make a Lenten prayer chain. It’s very simple and easy for kids to participate.

Spare Change with Sweet Rewards

Spare Change with Sweet Rewards

A fun activity to do during Lent with kids is to set out a mason jar in a common area, perhaps kitchen counter or dinner table and collect spare change to give away at Easter to your favorite family charity.

Pentecost Candy Bar

Pentecost Candy Bar

Pentecost means fifty days after Easter. So it always takes place the seventh Sunday after Easter. A fun activity to do with your kids to celebrate Pentecost is to have a candy bar.

Gratitude Trees

Gratitude Trees

Now that we are in the season of fall and Thanksgiving is happening soon, it’s a great time to talk to your kids about what gratitude means. Gratitude means, to be thankful or grateful, ready to show appreciation and kindness to someone who has been kind and good to you. 

Advent Wreath

Advent Wreath

Advent is the time we prepare to celebrate Christmas. Christmas is when we celebrate the birth of Jesus and look forward to his return. Advent begins on the first Sunday after Thanksgiving and lasts for four weeks. Advent is also the beginning of the new church year…

Birthday Cake for Jesus

Birthday Cake for Jesus

We have spent four weeks during Advent preparing for Christmas. Now it’s time to make a birthday cake for Jesus. This is a fun cake to make with young kids who like to bake. Talk about the ingredients while mixing and also while decorating to understand the symbolism of the cake. Many years ago, when my kids were just toddlers…



Epiphany means appearance and it is the day we celebrate the wisemen appearing to meet Jesus, giving him gifts and adoring him. Some also call wisemen, magi. Epiphany occurs every year on January 6th which is twelve days after Christmas…