Spare Change with Sweet Rewards

Spare Change with Sweet Rewards

A fun activity to do during Lent with kids is to set out a mason jar in a common area, perhaps kitchen counter or dinner table and collect spare change to give away at Easter to your favorite family charity. You can have a family meeting to brainstorm charities you want to support with the change you collect. This helps model the act to our children of giving to those in need in our midst. Perhaps you decide to give to your local Food Bank, Homeless Shelter or provide for a financial need in your community.

On Holy Saturday, the day before Easter, collect the money to deliver to your charity of choice and wash out your mason jar. Next, fill your jar with jelly beans for your kids to eat on Easter Sunday! Perhaps you want to have smaller jars for each child to collect change and have their own jelly beans, whatever works best for your family. This is a fun way to engage their senses watching the jar fill with money to give to someone in need and then to taste how sweet it is to give!